7 Common Tennis Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

TODAY says that Tennis is the No. 1 sport for health. At Deer Valley Athletic Club in Boone, NC, tennis is a great way to stay active, socialize, and enjoy time with the family. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, everyone can fall into certain habits that hinder performance. Let’s take a look at seven common tennis mistakes and how you can fix them to improve your game.

1. Gripping the Racquet Too Tightly

A tight grip may feel secure, but it can actually limit your range of motion and control. When you squeeze the racquet too hard, your wrist and arm become tense, leading to weaker shots and more fatigue.

How to Avoid It: Focus on holding the racquet with a relaxed grip. Think of holding it like you would hold a bird—firm enough to not let it fly away, but gentle enough not to crush it. With practice, a looser grip will give you more flexibility, control, and power in your shots.

2. Poor Footwork

Footwork is essential in tennis. Many players make the mistake of standing flat-footed or not moving efficiently to position themselves for the shot. This can lead to missed opportunities and awkward, off-balance hits.

How to Avoid It:

  • Stay on the balls of your feet, ready to move quickly in any direction.
  • Practice agility drills to improve your lateral movement.
  • Anticipate where the ball is going so you can position yourself before it arrives.

3. Not Using the Full Court

Too often, players focus on hitting the ball to the middle of the court. This limits your options and makes it easier for your opponent to return the ball. Using the entire court strategically is key to keeping your opponent on their toes.

How to Avoid It: Learn to aim your shots toward the sidelines, and vary your play with cross-court shots and deep balls. By using the full width and depth of the court, you’ll make your opponent work harder, giving you a tactical advantage.

4. Incorrect Stance and Balance

An incorrect stance can throw off your entire game. Many players stand too upright or lean too far forward or backward, which affects balance and power.

How to Avoid It: Make sure your knees are slightly bent, and keep your weight centered. A balanced stance allows for quicker reactions and more powerful strokes. Practicing your stance during warm-ups will help you maintain good posture throughout your match.

5. Relying Too Much on Arm Strength

Tennis is not just about arm power. Relying too much on your arm to hit the ball will tire you out quickly and reduce the effectiveness of your strokes. Power in tennis comes from your whole body—especially your core and legs.

How to Avoid It: Focus on using your legs and core to generate force in your shots. As you swing, engage your legs by bending your knees and shifting your weight from back to front. This will add extra power to your shots without straining your arm.

6. Overhitting the Ball

One of the most common mistakes in tennis is hitting the ball too hard. Many players think that power alone will win the point, but overhitting often results in unforced errors, like sending the ball out of bounds.

How to Avoid It:

  • Practice control over power. Try to focus on placement and spin rather than brute force.
  • Use a smooth, consistent stroke rather than trying to “kill” the ball.
  • Master your topspin to keep the ball in play while still generating some power.

7. Neglecting the Mental Game

Tennis is as much a mental sport as it is physical. Many players get frustrated or lose focus, leading to mistakes. A lack of mental toughness can quickly derail a match, even if you’re physically prepared.

How to Avoid It:

  • Stay focused and calm during each point.
  • Develop a pre-serve or pre-return routine to keep your mind engaged.
  • If you make a mistake, shake it off and focus on the next point rather than dwelling on the error.

A Quick Recap of How to Improve Your Game:

  • Keep a relaxed grip on the racquet.
  • Work on your footwork and balance.
  • Use the full court to your advantage.
  • Engage your legs and core for more power.
  • Focus on ball control instead of overhitting.
  • Stay mentally tough and focused throughout the game.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll see significant improvements in your game, whether you’re playing a casual match or getting competitive at Deer Valley Athletic Club’s tennis courts.

Come Play Tennis at Deer Valley Athletic Club

Are you ready to take your tennis game to the next level? At Deer Valley Athletic Club, we offer tennis programs for all skill levels. Our expert coaches are here to help you avoid these mistakes and perfect your technique. With both indoor and outdoor courts, you can play year-round, no matter the weather.

Join us for a match, take a lesson, or enroll your kids in our youth tennis programs. While you’re here, enjoy all the amenities Deer Valley Athletic Club has to offer—from fitness classes to swimming pools, and everything in between. It’s more than just tennis, it’s a place for your family to stay active and have fun together.

Deer Valley Athletic Club is a family-friendly environment with fitness classes, a full gym, pools, tennis, pickleball, and much more for all ages. Join us today or call 828-262-3337 for more information. Follow Instagram and Facebook for more tips and inspiration.

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