New to Fitness? 9 Easy Workouts for Beginners

Embracing a fitness journey is a thrilling endeavor, especially for beginners. The road to a healthier version of yourself might feel overwhelming, but here’s the truth: every fitness enthusiast started just where you stand today. 

The magic lies in taking that initial step and nurturing your progress over time. To kickstart your fitness adventure, we’ve curated nine beginner exercise routines that will make you fall in love with the process. 

Lace up your sneakers, put on your workout gear, and let’s dive in! Ready to transform? Explore our nine workouts for beginners and take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. 

Deer Valley Athletic Club is a family-friendly – and focused – environment in Boone, NC, with fitness classes, a full gym, pools, tennis, pickleball, and much more for all ages. Join today or learn more.

1. Walking Towards a Healthier You

Walking is the simplest and most accessible exercise for beginners. It doesn’t require any special equipment, and you can do it almost anywhere. 

Start with a brisk 20-30 minute walk around your neighborhood or local park. As you build your stamina, gradually increase the pace and distance. 

Walking not only burns calories but also clears your mind, setting a positive tone for your fitness journey.

Beginner Walking Tip: 

Start with a comfortable pace. Begin your walking routine at a pace that allows you to hold a conversation without becoming breathless. Gradually increase your speed and intensity as your fitness level improves.

2. Quick and Effective Full-Body Exercise with Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that engages multiple muscle groups while getting your heart rate up. 

Begin by doing sets of 10-15 jumping jacks, then gradually increase the reps as you feel more comfortable. 

This exercise is an excellent warm-up or a quick burst of energy in between other workouts.

Beginner Tip for Jumping Jacks: 

Start with a modified version if needed. If full jumping jacks are too intense, begin with a step-out motion by moving one foot out to the side while raising your arms, then alternate sides. Gradually work your way up to the full jumping motion.

RELATED: Bust it Cardio: 3 Indoor Treadmill Workouts to Break Up the Monotony 

3. Feel the Burn with Bodyweight Squats

Bodyweight squats are perfect for building lower body strength and stability. 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower yourself into a squatting position as if you’re sitting back into an imaginary chair, then stand back up. 

Aim for 3 sets of 10 squats, and over time, you’ll notice improved muscle tone and better posture.

Beginner Tip for Bodyweight Squats: 

Keep your knees aligned with your toes. When you squat down, imagine sitting back in a chair, and make sure your knees don’t go too far forward. This helps protect your knees and ensures you’re doing the squat correctly.

4. Get Down with Push-Ups

Push-ups might seem challenging, but they’re a fantastic way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. If you’re just starting out, you can modify them by doing knee push-ups. 

Start with 2 sets of 5-8 reps, and gradually increase both sets and reps as you become stronger.

Beginner Tip for Push-Ups: 

Start with modified push-ups. If regular push-ups feel tough, try kneeling on the ground and doing push-ups from that position. 

This reduces the weight you need to lift and helps build your strength gradually. As you get stronger, you can progress to standard push-ups.

5. Core Strength with Planks

Planks are incredible for building core strength and stability. 

Start by holding a plank position on your forearms for 15-20 seconds and gradually work your way up to a minute or more. Remember to engage your core and keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.

Beginner Tip for Plank: 

Begin with a forearm plank. Instead of a full plank on your hands, try supporting your body on your forearms and elbows. This engages your core while being a bit gentler on your wrists. 

Hold the position for a few seconds, gradually increasing the time as you get comfortable. It’s a great way to build core strength without overwhelming yourself.

6. Dance Your Way to Fitness

Who says workouts have to be monotonous? Put on your favorite music and dance like no one’s watching! Dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and work on your coordination. Plus, it’s a great stress-reliever.

Beginner Tip for Dancing:

Start with simple moves and a favorite song. Let yourself move freely and have fun, focusing on enjoying the rhythm. As you get more comfortable, you can explore different dance styles and add more complex moves. Remember, there’s no right or wrong – just let the music guide you!

7. Flexibility and Balance with Yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to improve flexibility, balance, and overall well-being. Many studios offer beginner-friendly classes, and there are numerous online resources and videos to guide you through basic poses. 

Start with gentle stretches and gradually progress to more advanced poses as you gain confidence.

If you live in Boone, NC, check out some of our yoga classes.

Beginner Poses to Try:

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall with feet together, arms at your sides. Engage muscles, lengthen spine, and breathe deeply.
  2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Start on hands and knees, lift hips up and back into inverted “V” shape. Press heels down, lengthen spine.
  3. Child’s Pose (Balasana): Sit back on heels, fold torso forward, extend arms in front. Relax forehead to mat, focus on breath.

These beginner yoga poses are perfect to get you started on your fitness journey with yoga.

8. Dive into Cardio with Cycling

Cycling is a low-impact cardio workout that’s easy on the joints. 

Whether you’re using a stationary bike or exploring your neighborhood on a bicycle, cycling is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness while enjoying the scenery.

Health Fun Fact: 

Did you know that when you cycle, you’re giving your joints a break? Cycling’s gentle movement is like a soothing massage for your joints. It’s a fantastic way to keep your heart happy while being kind to your body. So hop on your bike and explore the world – your joints will thank you for the joyful ride!

9. Make a Splash with Swimming

Swimming is a full-body workout that’s easy on the joints. If you have access to a pool, swimming laps can provide an excellent cardiovascular workout while toning your muscles. Start with a few laps and gradually increase your distance over time.

Beginner Tips:

Start with basic strokes like freestyle or breaststroke. Focus on maintaining a relaxed rhythm and proper breathing. Begin with shorter swims and gradually increase distance as your stamina builds. 

Don’t be afraid to take breaks and listen to your body. Swimming should feel enjoyable, so go at your own pace and make sure to warm up before you begin.

Freestyle Stroke: Extend one arm forward, the other arm back, and kick your legs in a fluttering motion.

Breaststroke: Keep your arms extended in front, pull them back while bringing your legs together, then kick and glide forward.


Remember, the path to fitness begins with one step, and your journey is entirely your own. 

Embrace exercise routines that resonate with you, forming the foundation of your workout plan. The key is finding joy in the process and adapting to your pace. 

As you persevere and stretch your limits, your progress will become your inspiration. Stay focused, stay driven, and most importantly, savor every moment of this transformational ride to a happier, healthier you. 

Ready to begin? Join Deer Valley today or call 828-262-3337 for more information. Follow Instagram and Facebook for more tips and inspiration.

Let’s sweat, smile, and thrive together on this incredible journey!

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