7 Aquatic Moves for a More Limber Body

Dive into a new dimension of fitness with our invigorating swim aerobic routine. Whether you’re a seasoned swimmer or just starting, these aquatic exercises are designed to keep your body limber and your spirits high. Embrace the cool waters and elevate your fitness game with these seven swim aerobic moves.

1. Water Jogging

Get your heart pumping and muscles engaged with water jogging. The resistance of the water enhances the workout, making it an excellent low-impact exercise for all fitness levels.

2. Flutter Kicks

Target your core muscles with flutter kicks. Submerge yourself in the rhythm of this move to sculpt your abs and improve overall flexibility.

3. Aqua Jumping Jacks

Bring the classic jumping jacks to the water for a full-body workout. This dynamic move enhances cardiovascular endurance while being easy on the joints.

4. Poolside Push-Ups

Utilize the pool’s edge for a challenging upper body workout. Poolside push-ups strengthen your arms, chest, and shoulders, promoting both strength and stability.

5. Water Aerobic Dancing

Combine fun and fitness with water aerobic dancing. Move to the beat while enjoying the buoyancy of the water, resulting in a high-energy and low-impact workout.

6. Leg Lifts

Isolate and tone your leg muscles with water leg lifts. This exercise is excellent for improving lower body strength and flexibility.

7. Treading Water Intervals

Wrap up your aquatic routine with treading water intervals. Boost endurance and burn calories as you alternate between periods of intense treading and active rest.

Join Deer Valley Athletic Club for Aquatic Fitness Fun!

Immerse yourself in the world of aquatic fitness with these seven swim aerobic moves. Whether you’re seeking a break from traditional workouts or aiming to enhance your overall well-being, Deer Valley Athletic Club encourages you to embrace the refreshing benefits of water-based exercises. Start your journey to a limber and healthier you today!

Deer Valley Athletic Club is a family-friendly – and focused – environment with fitness classes, a full gym, pools, tennis, pickleball, and much more for all ages. Join today or learn more.

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